Informations générales
Premier gérant d'actifs européen parmi les 10 premiers acteurs mondiaux [1], Amundi propose à ses 100 millions de clients - particuliers, institutionnels et entreprises - une gamme complète de solutions d'épargne et d'investissement en gestion active et passive, en actifs traditionnels ou réels.
Ses six plateformes de gestion internationales [2], sa capacité de recherche financière et extra-financière, ainsi que son engagement de longue date dans l'investissement responsable en font un acteur de référence dans le paysage de la gestion d'actifs.
Les clients d'Amundi bénéficient de l'expertise et des conseils de 5 300 professionnels dans 35 pays. Filiale du groupe Crédit Agricole, Amundi est cotée en Bourse et gère aujourd'hui plus de 2 000 milliards d'euros d'encours [3].
Amundi, un partenaire de confiance qui agit chaque jour dans l'intérêt de ses clients et de la société.
[1] Source : IPE « Top 500 Asset Managers » publié en juin 2022 sur la base des encours sous gestion au 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublin, Londres, Milan, Paris et Tokyo
[3] Données Amundi y compris Lyxor au 31/03/2022.
En agissant chaque jour dans l'intérêt de la société, nous sommes un groupe engagé en faveur des diversités et de l'inclusion et plaçons l'humain au cœur de toutes nos transformations. Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.
Date de parution
Description du poste
Type de métier
Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - Marketing et Communication
Intitulé du poste
Stage - Investissement Responsable - Advocacy & Partenariats Stratégiques H/F
Type de contrat
Durée (en mois)
6 mois
Date prévue de prise de fonction
Poste avec management
Cadre / Non Cadre
Non cadre
Description du service :
The RI Development & Advocacy team within the Responsible Investment business line contributes to the achievement of Amundi's business development and advocacy objectives for responsible investment, which are set out in Amundi’s ESG Ambitions 2025 plan. Based in Paris, the Advocacy team promotes Amundi's vision of responsible investment with internal and external stakeholders, for example through collaborations with sustainable finance initiatives, the participation in sustainable finance events, the creation of sustainable finance strategic partnerships, drafting RI thought leadership brochures and reports, or the development of training programs in collaboration with the communication, sales and marketing departments of Amundi.
Missions :
The RI Advocacy intern reports to the Advocacy team and will be in contact with many other interlocutors: ESG analysts, marketing, M&A and communication managers, and will work on contemporary topics in strong development (responsible investment, net zero, biodiversity, EU regulations) for different audiences.
The intern will mainly contribute with duties in the following areas:
► Draft content on Amundi’s extra-financial performance and responsible investment expertise
- Support the marketing and communications teams with the production of news articles, brochures, webpages, videos, infographics, reports, etc. related to responsible investment
- Prepare content for external surveys and questionnaires on responsible investment
► Collaborate in the organization of events dedicated to responsible finance
- Draft talking points for Amundi’s spokespeople
- Support with the communication plan around the event (social media posts, intranet news, etc.)
► Support coordination for Amundi’s strategic partnerships related to responsible finance
- Perform market due diligence to assess opportunities in responsible finance (innovative products, carbon credits, ESG rating,…)
- Support discussions and foster interactions with potential partners in collaboration with the M&A team
► Manage the content and distribution of Amundi’s internal monthly RI newsletter
- Monitor closely market news related to responsible investment, within and
- Share information related to Amundi’s Responsible Investment business line (funds, awards, events,…)
Apport du stage :
- Work for a pioneer in responsible investment: Since its creation, responsible investment has been one of Amundi’s four founding pillars. As the largest European asset manager with €2.2 billion assets under management[1], and €983 billion responsible[2] assets under management[3], Amundi strives to accelerate Amundi’s ESG transformation and pave the way towards carbon neutrality in 2050.
- Work on contemporary topics in strong development (responsible investment, net zero, biodiversity, EU regulations)
- Skills development in communication and responsible investment
Localisation du poste
Zone géographique
Europe, France
Critères candidat
Niveau d'études minimum
Bac + 5 / M2 et plus
Formation / Spécialisation
Formation :
Ecole de commerce / Ingénieur / Université
Spécialisation :
Sustainability, Economics, Finance, Marketing, Communication, or an inter-disciplinary major
Niveau d'expérience minimum
0 - 2 ans
Compétences recherchées
- Understanding of finance or a desire to learn. Previous experience in sustainability, consulting, marketing, or communication is a plus
- Strong organizational skills, capacity to take initiative, and work autonomously and within a team
Outils informatiques
Excellent word processing skills in MS Office
Full proficiency in English. Working proficiency in French.