Moteur de recherche d'offres d'emploi Amundi

Enterprise Architect H/F

Détail de l'offre

Informations générales


Premier gérant d'actifs européen parmi les 10 premiers acteurs mondiaux [1], Amundi propose à ses 100 millions de clients - particuliers, institutionnels et entreprises - une gamme complète de solutions d'épargne et d'investissement en gestion active et passive, en actifs traditionnels ou réels.

Ses six plateformes de gestion internationales [2], sa capacité de recherche financière et extra-financière, ainsi que son engagement de longue date dans l'investissement responsable en font un acteur de référence dans le paysage de la gestion d'actifs.

Les clients d'Amundi bénéficient de l'expertise et des conseils de 5 300 professionnels dans 35 pays. Filiale du groupe Crédit Agricole, Amundi est cotée en Bourse et gère aujourd'hui plus de 2 000 milliards d'euros d'encours [3].

Amundi, un partenaire de confiance qui agit chaque jour dans l'intérêt de ses clients et de la société.

[1] Source : IPE « Top 500 Asset Managers » publié en juin 2022 sur la base des encours sous gestion au 31/12/2021
[2] Boston, Dublin, Londres, Milan, Paris et Tokyo
[3] Données Amundi y compris Lyxor au 31/03/2022.

En agissant chaque jour dans l'intérêt de la société, nous sommes un groupe engagé en faveur des diversités et de l'inclusion et plaçons l'humain au cœur de toutes nos transformations. Tous nos postes sont ouverts aux personnes en situation de handicap.




Date de parution


Description du poste

Type de métier

Types de métiers Crédit Agricole S.A. - IT, Digital et Data

Intitulé du poste

Enterprise Architect H/F

Type de contrat


Poste avec management


Cadre / Non Cadre



Amundi Technology is an Amundi entity in charge of the design, development, commercialization and support of technology solutions for the savings and asset management industry. The 1000 professionals, located between Paris and Dublin, are also in charge of Amundi's IT.


Amundi Technology's journey began by crafting solutions for our own success. We designed the ALTO platforms that span a wide spectrum of investment strategies and asset classes. In 2021, Amundi Technology has been created to accelerate the design, development, promotion and commercialization of the ALTO platforms. The ALTO suite is composed of 5 offers: ALTO Investment (portfolio management tool), ALTO Wealth & Distribution (discretionary management and advisory solution), ALTO ESR (Employee Savings and Retirement Solution), ALTO Sustainability, ALTO Asset Servicing.


Amundi Technology seeks to enhance its platform and enterprise architecture framework to support both its internal operations and its positioning in the financial software and services market. The Enterprise Architect will be pivotal in establishing and maintaining a robust, scalable, and efficient enterprise architecture that aligns with Amundi's strategic objectives.


As the Enterprise Architect in charge of architecture governance and framework, you will

  • Iteratively develop and maintain the enterprise architecture framework and tooling to ensure it supports current and future business needs.  Architecture Principles, Architecture Decision Records, architecture questionnaires, evolve the functional and applicative maps…
  • In collaboration with the head of Enterprise and Platform architecture, iteratively setup architecture governance sticking to a minimalist “just enough architecture approach”
  • Identify risks associated with IT architecture and propose mitigation strategies.
  • Governance and Compliance: Ensure that the enterprise architecture complies with all relevant regulations and standards.
  • Animate the enterprise architecture community, providing guidance and mentorship to team members.
  • Innovation and Research: Stay abreast of the latest industry trends and technologies to incorporate into the enterprise architecture framework, promoting innovation.
  • Participation to architecture definition or review of critical projects


This role is crucial for maintaining the integrity and efficiency of Amundi's Information system and Alto Software platform and ensuring that it supports and enhances the organization's strategic objectives.

Localisation du poste

Zone géographique

Europe, France, Ile-de-France, 75 - Paris



Critères candidat

Niveau d'études minimum

Bac + 5 / M2 et plus

Formation / Spécialisation

Diplôme d'ingénieur/Université en Système d'information

Niveau d'expérience minimum

6 - 10 ans


  • Proven Experience: Extensive experience in developing and managing enterprise architecture frameworks within large organizations including knowledge of architecture frameworks, methodologies and tooling (TOGAF,…)
  • Experience of Business Architecture, Data Architecture, Application Architecture, or Technology Architecture will be appreciated

Or experience at Amundi Technologies and wishing to evolve his career toward Enterprise Architecture:

  • A candidate wishing to evolve his career toward Enterprise Architecture and able to demonstrate at least 10 years of experience in software development, business analysis and/or project management in Amundi

Compétences recherchées

  • Communication Skills: Excellent communication skills, capable of engaging effectively with both technical and non-technical stakeholders.
  • Analytical Skills: Strong problem-solving abilities and the capacity to think analytically to tackle complex challenges.
  • Leadership: Demonstrated leadership skills with the ability to influence and inspire
  • Adaptability: Flexible and adaptable to the rapidly changing technology landscape.
  • Technical Proficiency: Deep understanding of various architectural frameworks and IT systems integration.

  • Business Acumen: Strong grasp of business processes and strategic planning with the ability to align IT with business goals.


French and English